Major Planes of the Arms Drawing Reference

Are Body Planes?

Trunk planes are hypothetical geometric planes that split the homo body into sections. Mainly these body planes are used in human anatomy to describe the direction and location of torso structures.

A human being body in
the anatomical position is described with the help of a coordinate system,
which includes three-axis (10, Y, and Z). The X-centrality is going from left to
right, Z-axis from forepart to dorsum, and Y-axis from upward to down. In anatomical
terminology, three references plane are considered standard planes; these
planes differentiate the body anterior and posterior, ventral and dorsal,
dexter, and sinister portions.

Permit me tell you well-nigh these standard planes in detail. We will also see the trunk regions and quadrants and anatomical terminology for body cavities

The Transverse Airplane

This plane is known as the X-Z airplane or centric airplane; it divides the head (superior) and tail (junior) portions of the human trunk. The transverse plane is parallel in an upright human and perpendicular to the median and coronal airplane. Concerning the ground, it runs parallel, that's why it is called a horizontal plane.

Horizontal is
used as a fundamental term for this plane, and the horizontal axis runs from side to
side and divides the body into peak and bottom instead of left and correct halves.

Longitudinal airplane

 A longitudinal plane volition be perpendicular to
the transverse plane. It divides the body into ii halves and cutting the person
straight into left and right halves from the caput through the belly button and
down to the toes. The sagittal airplane, coronal airplane, and parasagittal plane are
categorized equally longitudinal planes.

The Sagittal Plane

A vertical plane that runs parallel to the median airplane is called a Sagittal plane.  This Y-Z or lateral plane separates the body right (dexter) and left (sinister) halves. The midsagittal plane (median airplane) passes through the heart of the body while all other sagittal planes are parallel to this midsagittal planes. Information technology is sometimes called paramedian planes, as the 'para' refers to parallel to something else.

The Coronal Plane (Frontal Plane)

It is also known as Y-X aeroplane or Frontal planes; the coronal plane divides the body into ventral (front end) and dorsal (dorsum) portions. This plane also gives a articulate paradigm of the posterior and inductive portions of the body. The coronal planes intersect the median aeroplane at a 90-caste angle and show the anatomical body parts into front end and back halves.

  • These
    iii are significant references plane, and all other planes are shown with
    these planes, such as Parasagittal planes are parallel to the sagittal (Y-Z)

Anatomical Terminology for body cavities

All vertebrates have fluid-filled spaces, which are chosen body cavities, and these cavities contain organs. The human being also gave several body cavities, which are named anatomically according to the body organ and location where this cavity is found, such as a thoracic cavity, cranial cavity, and pelvic cavity.

These cavities too protect torso organs.  Here nosotros volition encounter the anatomical terms and anatomical planes of these trunk cavities.

Dorsal Crenel

The dorsal cavity is situated at the dorsal side of the torso, and information technology occupies the upper central nervous organization, such as the brain and spinal cord. The meninges membrane inside the dorsal cavity protects the brain and spinal cord.

Cranial Crenel

This cavity is
located anteriorly to the dorsal crenel and houses the space within the skull.
This cranial crenel is occupied with the encephalon, meninges, and cerebrospinal

Ventral Cavity

This cavity is
located interiorly in front end of the torso and a house of many different organ
systems. Besides, this cavity is divided past the diaphragm into anterior and
posterior portions. It looks like a sail of skeletal muscles underneath the
lungs and organs within this ventral cavity is known equally viscera.

Vertebral Cavity

The posterior portion of the dorsal crenel within the vertebral cavalcade is known as the vertebral cavity. Among all body cavities, information technology is the narrower body cavity and seems similar a thread. It is filled with the spinal string, meninges of the spinal cord, and left space filled with fluid.

Thoracic Cavity

The thoracic cavity is part of the anterior ventral body cavity situated in the body within the rib muzzle. This cavity mainly includes the organs of the respiratory and cardiovascular system simply also consists of the other organization organs such equally the thymus gland and esophagus.

A membrane lines the thoracic cavity chosen mesothelium; it has two types the pericardium lining of the centre and pleural lining of the lungs.

Abdominopelvic Crenel

A cavity which is located posteriorly to the ventral body cavity and found beneath the diaphragm and thoracic crenel. This cavity is divided into the pelvic and intestinal cavity, and it contains the organs of many systems such every bit renal and digestive systems.

Also, it has organs of endocrine systems such as adrenal glands. It lies within the reproductive system and bladder and lined by a mesothelium chosen "peritoneum." It is one of the essential torso cavity anatomically.

Regions and Quadrants

Anatomists divide the abdominopelvic crenel into smaller regions to facilitate the study of body planes. This anatomical abdominal region division is used to recognize the location of the abdomen organs and to diagnose intestinal hurting. The normally abdominopelvic region is divided into four quadrants and ix regions.

Abdominal Quadrants

These quadrants
are arranged within the sagittal and umbilical plane. These abdominal quadrants
are used by radiologists and anatomists to decide the tissues and organs
that cause discomfort in that region.

Left Lower Quadrant

The left lower
quadrant houses some of the large intestine portions, the majority of the pocket-size
intestine, left ureter, and the left one-half of the female reproductive system.

Correct Lower Quadrant

When dissecting the correct lower quadrant, it appeared information technology includes an appendix, cecum, right half of the female reproductive system, right ureter, and parts of the small intestine. Pain in this region is associated with appendicitis.

Right Upper Quadrant

This quadrant
contains the right side of body organs such as liver, correct kidney,
gallbladder, duodenum, pancreas, a modest portion of the breadbasket, and parts of
the small intestine.

Left Upper Quadrant

The left upper
quadrant consists of the left kidney, spleen portion of descending and
transverse colon, stomach office, and parts of the small intestine. Pain in the
left upper quadrant is associated with malrotation of the intestine and colon.

Abdominal Regions

The nine divisions are role of parasagittal and ii transverse planes of body-centered around the navel. These divisions are of import anatomically to determine the location of the organ inside the abdomen and pelvic area.

Right Hypochondriac

This region
houses the gallbladder, the right kidney, parts of the pocket-sized intestine, and
right portion of the liver.

Left Hypochondriac

The left
hypochondriac region contains the left kidney, office of the stomach, colon,
small intestine, and the pancreas.

Right Iliac

The right iliac
contains the lower body organs such equally correct iliac fossa, appendix, and cecum.

Left Iliac

The left iliac
region contains left iliac fossa, sigmoid colon, and sigmoid colon. It is also
known as the left inguinal region.

Right Lumbar

The right lumbar
region consists of the right kidney, ascending colon, gallbladder, and liver.

Left Lumbar

It gives infinite to
the descending colon, spleen, and left kidney.


The umbilical
region contains the omphalus (omphalus), duodenum, jejunum, ileum, transverse
colon, and the bottom portions of both the left and correct kidney.


The hypogastric
region contains organs around the pubic bone, such as the uterus and ovaries in
females and the prostate in males.


The epigastric
region contains the majority of the stomach, part of the liver, pancreas,
duodenum, and the adrenal glands.

of Body Planes

Medical imaging

These anatomical planes have great significance in medical imaging techniques, for case, MRI scans, CT scans, Sonography, and PET scans. Sometimes for medical imaging, the orientation of these references aeroplane is needed. Medical imaging techniques are the main applications of body planes.

When a radiologist imaging a patient, firstly, it divides the patient body into Ten, Y, and Z-axis to become the trunk planes to the images. Z-axis shows the torso image from toe to head while X-centrality divides the body into the right to left, and Y-axis passes from front to back.

Besides, these planes show the patient-internal organs and help the radiologist to identify the small construction within that primary organ.


These anatomical planes are used to describe the action axis performed by the body. An anatomist could model a limb's range of motion by measuring these planes along which planes limb can move and how far information technology can move.

Nosotros understand this awarding with an example; when a person jumps up and down, and then his body will run through the transverse plane in sagittal and coronal planes. So, an anatomist can understand and discover the trunk movement with the help of these anatomical planes.

Embryological application

These anatomical planes assist to view any anatomical change during embryological development. These planes provide a basis in comparative embryology to come across unlike types of organism's evolution inside the womb.

In the initial phase of human embryonic development, the coronal aeroplane looks horizontal, while when the embryo develops into a fetus, it looks vertical in position.


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    FieldTrip. 2019-08-26. Retrieved 2019-09-24.


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